Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The good, the bad, & the ugly

I´ve now completed two days of attendance in the classes at COINED. It´s a new building compared to where I was last time... it´s bigger and "fancier". But the common meeting area is not nearly as spacious, so at break/lunch time, it´s basically just a room packed wall-to-wall with people. The funny thing is, that except for the cleaning lady, there is not ONE person left (on staff and what not) that I remember from the school from 3 years ago! Weird, but maybe that´s how it works around here.

I´m in the intermediate-advanced class (the 5th level out of 7). There are 4 of us in the class plus the professor. It´s all chicas aged 17 - 27 (that´s the GOOD) from Brazil, Holland, and the US. We also get dragged down into talking about fashion, cosmetics, and a bunch of basura that I couldn´t care less about (that´s the BAD). Alas in the past few years, the school has moved classes up an hour earlier (that´s the UGLY) -- they now start at 9 instead of 10a! Què pena! The subway is EXTREMELY packed at that hour. Much like the buses. But almost 14 million people live in this town so what are you gonna do?

In other news, it´s MASSIVELY cold in Buenos Aires. Especially yesterday when a cold front blew through. Plus the "hot" water in my shower is TEPID at best... need to talk to my land lady about that. Or the portero (doorman), "Artemio". Rumor has it that he´s the man with all the solutions. Good news for the American TV addicts around here is that this past TV season that just ended in the USA is starting it´s run down here. So far, they´re kicking off with Grey´s Anatomy, My Name is Earl, The Office, and I don´t know what all else. It´s all in English and subtitled in castellano.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Down south in Argentina once again!

At last, I´m back in Buenos Aires! The flight down was a mere 10 and half hours... what a haul. But at least there´s minimal jet lag since BsAs is only 2 hours ahead of DFW (or 3 when it´s not daylight savings time in the USA). I still have yet to get up before 10:30a, though. Which is 8:30a back in Dallas! Although I don´t get to bed til at least 1 or 2a, so I´m not feeling too guilty about it. But that´s la vida porteña... life in Buenos Aires.

My new apartment is great... and the owner is really nice. She brought me over a coffee maker (even though there´s a cafe every 10 feet and I won´t be making that much of my own coffee)! It´s a good location within a few blocks of two different subway lines which is very convenient for those annoying (almost daily) protest marches that clog up the streets and back up the buses, taxis, etc. Although there´s been some Subte shutdowns as well, since the drivers are semi-striking too. The national past time, I suppose.

But my apt is within a half hour commute of the school (check out http://www.coined.com.ar/ for more info) that´s a part of the University of BsAs, or ¨La UBA¨ as it´s locally known. I´m planning to take Spanish classes there for 2 months and then check out the ¨nationally recognized school¨ at ILEE (fyi, the website is at www.ilee.com.ar). Probably one or two other schools after that, most likely in Recoleta or Palermo.

Anyway, more posts to come... later. Right now it´s a nice-n-slow Sunday afternoon (actually, it´s a holiday weekend so it´s REALLY slow today) and I´m still getting settled in and figuring out the neighborhood. It´s about a dozen blocks away from where I used to live years ago but it´s definitely a different area (in character, the traffic, etc, etc). Chau for now!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

36 hours until touchdown in BsAs!

A quick update (since my entries are slacking so far)... the packing is nearly done, so let the trip begin!

The flight departs the USA for Argentina on May 23 evening and arrives on the morning of May 24.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Packing, packing, and more packing...

As of today, I'm just sorting, packing, and getting ready to head down to Buenos Aires on May 23. I know, I know... not a real exciting blog after just two entries. Before you know it, I'll be homeless en route from one place to the next one... or maybe "nomadic" is a better word?

Anyhow, since I see so many posts about Spanish schools in Buenos Aires on the travel websites (Thorntree, IgoUgo, etc) and because I'm planning to attend 3-4 of them, I think I'll use this blog to document my experiences for the random passerby to read... plus anything else of interest going on in Argentina at the time!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Test posting

My first post, I guess I'm gonna become a blog dork now...